Thursday Thirteen

I first came across Thursday Thirteen when I was visiting Aunie Sauce's Blog. I've decided to give it a go. This week my Thursday Thirteen will be thirteen things I would have on a desert Island.

1. If I were stranded on a desert island my number one thing I would want to have is my boyfriend, Jeff. I would definitely need the manly strength for building shelter and getting food. And of course, he is awesome to hang out with and I love him to death.

2. Obviously, food. But if I couldn't have food than I'd want cooking supplies like pots, pans, forks, spoons and knifes. Possibly a BBQ?

3. Endless supply of fresh water.

4. Matches

5. My ipod. Music would make it a much more bearable situation.

6. Sunscreen. Definitely sunscreen.

7. Tent with a sleeping bag.

8. Bug spray.

9. My Mac Book with an endless supply of battery.

10. Cherrios! I love Cherrios. I would need to have my Cherrios.

11. Mr. Zebra. A big, pudgy stuffed animal that I've had for a long time.

12. Scuba equipment. I've never been scuba diving and if I am going to be stranded on an island then it would be the perfect opportunity to learn.

13. Finally, toilet paper and tampons. Those two things would make life a lot easier on an island.

That's it! Hopefully I can keep up this weekly tradition.


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